Health & Safety at Longlands
Health and Safety is crucial so we take it extremely seriously – and we also use it as a learning opportunity:
All tasks are fully risk assessed, and the risks are minimised.
All students complete a City & Guilds qualification in health and safety early on in their time with us
We have public liability and employers insurance with the NFU.
Copies of risks assessments and insurance are available to view .
Most students learn to drive the ‘Buggy’ – the farm’s All Terrain Vehicle.
Some also learn to drive a tractor, exhibiting a remarkable level of skill.
All of our team have undertaken safeguarding training to a minimum of level 1 as well as Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence training, and the 'Respect 100 programme’
We have robust safeguarding policies in place and a lead safeguarding officer is on site at all times.
All of our team have undertaken the Emergency First Aid at Work Course with two team members holding a First Aid at Work certificate.
When working around the farm and estate, work groups can sometimes be in remote areas so we ensure each working group always carries a first aid kit, means of communication (two-way radio and or mobile phone) and a fire extinguisher.
Any team members who are involved in food preparation onsite have current level 2 food safety certificates.