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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Longlands Mental Health Support is unique:


  • Independently funded

  • Can start immediately – emergency funding available

  • Specialist care from qualified and experienced professionals

  • Safe, supportive and calming environment

  • High staffing ratio

  • Contact with animals and nature


​As many as half of our intake would benefit from mental health intervention, many of them urgently, and we can start immediately, as we have dedicated staff and emergency funding available.  We gather as much information as possible on referral, liaising with families, schools and other agencies, and the student’s EHCP. 


Who can benefit

We particularly help young people who are experiencing:

  • School refusing

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Bereavement

  • ADHD

  • ASD

  • Challenging behaviour


“The only place I have ever felt
safe and accepted.” 

A recent student’s mother says 


“Never under-estimate the impact you have on young people, and their whole families. ”


Read more of  A Thank You Letter here

Experienced and caring staff

We have two Specialist Therapeutic Practitioners on site, Charlotte Webby and Beth Miller, independently funded by a National Lottery grant.  They work one-to-one with students as needed, offering bespoke care to meet individual needs.  So they will explore, for example, anxiety, personal development, relationships, internet safety and emotional wellbeing, and include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness activities and games, and Therapeutic Drawing and Talking. They liaise closely with schools and families, offering them practical and emotional help, and can act as advocates for students when needed.


Our programme

We engage new students in activities, particularly with animals from the pet guinea pigs to the ponies, cattle and sheep on the farm. The calming rural environment and company of the animals are proven to have a therapeutic benefit. 

Developing a rapport with new students and building trusting relationships, often one-to-one, is our priority.  We believe in small, achievable steps and work towards building a student’s confidence and self-belief, and helping them to re-engage with life and education. We ensure that young people receive a holistic approach tailored to the individual’s needs. 



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